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Civil Litigation

We take pride in finding a solution to your legal problems.

Civil Litigation

Do you have a dispute with anybody for unpaid monies or have you received a demand letter or a Writ of Summons that you need some advice about? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, look no further.

Our lawyers pride ourselves as professional who seek to guide our clients to tackle the legal process at an affordable rate and assist you to allay your fears or concerns about the process and we take pride in finding a solution to your legal problems!


The area of civil litigation includes various areas of law but we generally handle the following areas of civil litigation:


  • Landlord and tenant disputes

  • Debt Recovery

  • Contractual disputes

  • Personal Injury claim

  • Workmen’s compensation claim

  • Defamation action

  • Neighbour disputes

  • Harassment


An overview of the general process is as follows:


Normally, before any party commences legal proceedings in Singapore, the party intending to sue may send a Letter of Demand to negotiate and resolve the dispute without incurring unnecessary and additional expenses. The negotiations are important as it should be with a view to avoid additional expenses and reach a win-win situation for both parties.

In the event the one party refuses to compromise, either party can then instruct us to draft the Writ of Summon for it to be served on the Defendant to commence legal proceedings.

Upon the commencement of legal proceedings the matter will proceed with the State or High Courts’ monitoring it and it will take anything starting from 3 months to reach a conclusion and a final resolution of the matter. However, without proper legal advice as a Plaintiff (party suing) or Defendant (party defending) may not be conversant with the various stages and we are there to assist you to ensure that you achieve your goal without incurring exorbitant legal fees.

Once you have succeeded in the suit against the other party and the Court awards judgment in your favour, however the matter does not end there. You need to ensure the losing party pays and we also assist you to ensure that the other party pays the judgment sum by advising and assisting you to enforce the judgment sum with various enforcement proceedings if the other party refuses to settle the judgment sum.


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